Find Clarity, Flow, Inspiration & Direction
& Bring to Life Your Purpose
Odyssey: Navigate to the Heart of Your Purpose is a 10-month intimate group coaching experience for Creative Hearts who are ready to find or recover deep fulfilment and meaning in their life.
Are you enjoying your life?
Are you doing what you want to do?
Do you wish you had more control over your life choices?
Do you ever feel like there is something within you that’s blocking your progress?
What is holding you back? Could it be your family, your work, your relationships, yourself?
Who is Odyssey For?
Odyssey is for Creative Hearts who long to experience more meaning, clarity and direction in their life. Instead of following the crowd or accepting the status quo, this intimate group coaching intensive will support you to follow your heart, know what is truly important to you and take action as you chart your course to a life that is richly rewarding and deeply meaningful.
It will help you understand the fears, frustrations, and loyalties that may be sabotaging your dreams and undermining your sincere efforts at personal growth so that you can move forward. By dissolving doubts and blocks, you'll clear the way to listen to your heart and discover or recover your sense of purpose and inspiration.
Odyssey will support you to discover how to use your inner guidance system to navigate to your most personal and energising life ~ your heart's purpose. With rich support, enthusiasm and a friendly, mindful approach, I've crafted this program to support you to build a bridge to the life you want. Perhaps it’s time to let go of guilt and misguided loyalties that may confuse loving others with sacrificing yourself, and instead choose to cultivate your passions, curiosities and dreams.
The good news is it is entirely possible to let go of old unsupportive patterns and claim your right to joy, fulfilment and autonomy in your life. Inside Odyssey, you will discover practical, evidence-based tools to work with emotions and common fears that can otherwise bring your self-actualisation to a standstill.
With a unique blend of inspiration and pragmatic advice, this intimate group program is for people who are ready to sail into the next chapter of their lives. Celebrating the skills and personal development work you’ve already done, while bravely choosing to embrace and cultivate more. It charts a practical course out of old unsupportive patterns and habits and gives you the tools to trust yourself and actively bring to life the new direction your heart is calling you towards. It will support you to become the person you want to be and live a life that feels true, nourishing, supportive and meaningful, for you.

Odyssey: Navigate to the Heart of Your Purpose
What We’ll Explore Together
The themes we will cover during our voyage include…
Dream of Your Destination
There are common attributes to finding your purpose. When you find it, you’ll feel like you belong, what you’re doing won’t exploit or harm others, you’ll feel energised and deeply interested in it, you’ll feel a sense of potential for continuing development and growth, and it will have a constructive purpose or contribution to the world at large.
Dreaming of your destination doesn’t mean having a photographic image in your mind’s eye or knowing exactly what it will look like when you get there. But you can begin to sketch out a felt sense of where you want to go using broad strokes. For example, do you want to be sailing to tropical islands or cruising the canals of Europe?
Find Your North Star
What interests and energises you is as unique as your fingerprint. And just like you’re fingerprint, you can’t change it. Not accepting who you are, how you are wired and what lights you up only results in a tiring, frustrating struggle.
In Odyssey, we will uncover your North Star - the things that bring you home to yourself, energise and support you to craft a fulfilling, meaningful and purpose-filled life.
This self-knowledge will help you stop fighting against yourself or looking for permission from others and instead give you the courage to exercise wise, compassionate and conscious leadership for your own life.
Learn Navigation Instruments
Understanding the tools of self-discovery, how to interpret your energy and hone in on the truth of what you desire, are all instruments that help you navigate in the direction of adding in more of what you love while moving away from obligations, striving and keeping up the status quo.
Knowing how to use your navigation instruments is imperative to a safe and successful voyage. Instead of ending up where someone else thinks you ‘ought’ to be, you can learn to use the signals that are inbuilt into your nervous system, energy, mind and body. This inner compass will always lead you home to your true self and the heart of your purpose.
Fill in Your Log Book
Knowing where you’ve come from, what course of action worked (and what didn’t) and how you felt as you sailed through past experiences, gives you the information you need to develop your personal operating manual.
Honouring your needs, setting supportive boundaries, and recording your success moments is imperative to a successful voyage. Forming an intimate connection with your Inner Self, where you know yourself, your needs and interests, as well as what drains and energises you, is how you successfully navigate to your desired destination.
Plot Your Course
Did you know anytime we follow our heart and carve out a life that’s true to us there is a predictable chart of progress, like a map of growth? When you set out to find your purpose and live a more fulfilling, authentic and meaningful life, the journey will take a predictable route. It will include Waypoints like dissatisfaction, dreaming, planning, persistence and eventually, success.
Along the way, you might find yourself in a Sudden Squall, where fear, guilt or shame threaten to throw you off course. Knowing where you are on that chart of progress will save you from losing heart and turning back. Especially when you’re closer than you think.
Prepare for Bad Weather
Navigating to the heart of your purpose isn’t always smooth sailing. There will be some formidable challenges along the way, that’s why this is called Odyssey and not a Leisurely Sail. But the key to any good seamanship is preparation and planning.
On your personal Odyssey, you’re likely to come face to face with your inner critic, fears, loyalties, guilt, shame and other people’s expectations. These powerful forces can feel like sailing through the eye of a storm, however, with careful planning and knowledge, you can make the trip so much more enjoyable, calm and yes, even safe.
Leave the Safe Harbour
Provisioning means stocking up on supplies and resources you’ll need for a safe passage. It’s part of any voyage and likewise, when you are leaving the predictable life you have always known, you’ll do well to practice ‘resourcing’.
You can draw strength and sustenance from the resources you gather around you and the tools you carry with you. Some of these provisions will feel familiar to you, some will need to be excavated ~ buried in your past ~ and some you will need to develop your skills with so you can draw from them in the present moment ~ when you need them most.
Safety Equipment & Practices
Practising ‘person overboard’ drills is part of safe sailing. So if the worst happens, you can draw from experience and throw the flotation device, drop the sails, turn on the motor, and turn around to save your mate.
Similarly, we can develop practices and carry tools with us that provide safety and help us navigate when sailing into unknown territory in our life.
Instead of abandoning ourselves, we can use evidence-based tools, grounding techniques and body-based practices to stay with ourselves through the discomfort that comes from leaving the safe harbour, and find the courage within ourselves to not turn back.
Put Yourself First
Do you fear that sailing to your desired destination means neglecting your loved ones? Do you believe you can’t have what you want and maintain connections with family and friends? Do you confuse putting yourself first with selfishness or worry about being seen as shallow, irresponsible or unreliable if you pursue a life of purpose, doing what you love?
Paradoxically, putting ourselves last can lead to worsening depression, anxiety, or addiction. Like on an aeroplane, putting on our own oxygen mask first means we can then truly be supportive and generous with our loved ones - without underlying resentment or fear of losing ourselves.
Pay Attention to Your Radar
Your radar is the still small voice inside you. It’s the delicate mix of intuition with gut sensations and logical analysis. Relying on one without the other means taking information only about the wind, tide, or current when you need to factor in all of these to steer your ship correctly.
The problem is, we spend too much time worrying about other people’s radars, and miss what’s showing up on our own. Our thoughts are drawn to what other people might think, or how we need to please or impress them. We forget to watch our own radar and observe what is happening inside ourselves. Our inner voice has two jobs: to act as our conscience and our deepest self-knowledge.
Not All Smooth Sailing
Many of us hope we can find a way to escape from all life’s problems, and yet, ‘problems’ will always find us, if we stay in the safe harbour or not.
We can choose to go where we want and trust we will overcome the challenges along the way, or we can remain passive and face the problems we didn’t choose, like the storm in the harbour that smashed the moored boats against the seawall.
If we choose our own course, we can learn to care for our sympathetic nervous system (our fight, flight, freeze response) and strengthen our parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest response) so we have the capacity to ride out the storm in pursuit of our dreams.
Embrace Your Life's Voyage
Navigating to the heart of your purpose involves developing your confidence, understanding the timing of your pursuits, experiencing your feelings while at the same time knowing feelings aren’t facts, and continually pointing the bow of your ship towards your true self’s desires.
Living a life of purpose isn’t easy and doesn’t come naturally to most. Finding supportive people expedites your growth. Purposeful, accomplished people embrace their heart’s dreams without shame. You can do that, too.
More than anything, your personal Odyssey is about an ongoing courtship that needs to happen between you and your true self. Where you honour, value and act on the whispers of your inner self, and fall in love with the dreams of your heart.

Follow Your Heart
The Purposeful Life Checklist
When you are living in a way that is purposeful and in alignment with your gifts, needs, passions, talents and curiosities, you will experience a number of telltale signals that show you that you are following your right purpose.
When you’re living your purpose, you will:
Feel energised by what you are doing
Be intensely interested in it and feel like you are ‘in flow’ where time passes effortlessly
Not be harming, miss-using or humiliating others
Be contributing something that is generative and positive to the world, whether directly or indirectly
Notice your passion often draws like-minded, supportive people into your world
Feel a sense of ongoing expansion around the possibilities of how your path forward can continue to grow and deepen
Have the sense that you ‘belong’ there
Have the capacity to develop the skills necessary to realise your purpose
Feel a sense of pride and ‘rightness’ about it
Discover there have been signs that popped up, right back from childhood, that have pointed you in this direction

Your Destination: Purposeful Living
Odyssey provides you with a compass, a map that is unique to you, and practical skills to help you navigate to the heart of your purpose.
This is a space dedicated to living your life in alignment with your values. Where you’ll deepen your self-awareness and strengthen your relationship with yourself, imbuing it with the qualities of curiosity, gentleness, playfulness, and compassion. And if you are worried all this focus on yourself might be selfish, rest assured this inner work always leads to actions and ways of being that have an uplifting effect in the world. In fact, the more in alignment we are, the more service we can bestow through our gifts, talents and strengths.
Odyssey is a distillation of personal and professional development, evidence-based practices, and experience of what works, woven into practical tapestry Creative Hearts can use throughout their lives to find fulfilment and satisfaction.
Blending body-based tools, mindfulness, and always with an eye toward personal authentic self-expression at its core, this adventure will support you to be true to yourself, discover what lights you up and take action to bring your purpose to life.
Support to carve out a life that is true, for you.
If you are looking for a space that is dedicated to supporting you to listen to your heart, overcome fears or blocks that may be stopping you, and explore what is important to you while offering practical solutions to take action, I have crafted Odyssey, especially for you.
My passion is supporting Creative Hearts to honour and embrace their own path, instead of feeling compelled, trapped or forced to follow the crowd. I offer this support by sharing the tools and practices I love to use myself and I’ve seen support my clients to develop loving relationships with themselves, soothe their nervous systems, create supportive boundaries and always return to listening to and trusting their own inner wisdom.
Growth takes a predictable route.
Like island hopping towards your desired destination, you’ll move through the predictable stages of dissatisfaction, longing, dreaming, gathering information and everything in between, all the way to planning, then action, endurance and finally, success! In whatever way you define success, and in whatever area of your life that is important for you, in this season of your life.
Understanding where you are on the map of growth allows you to steer your ship towards your desired destination and not lose heart, because you know each stage is part of the process.
There are places along this route where we are more vulnerable to sudden squalls, and it’s then we need to truly surround ourselves with support, trust the process and build a solid relationship with ourselves so we don’t turn back. Especially when we are closer than we think.
Inside Odyssey, you’ll be supported through each stage of your voyage with enthusiasm, encouragement, proven practices and space to process and listen within.
With your personal navigation instruments, you’ll find expert guidance you can rely on to steer your life towards the heart of your unique purpose.

Odyssey is about intentional, conscious living. Shedding the old, to make space for the new. New inspiration, energy and direction.
Pivotal moments occur in our lives when we discover what we have been doing is no longer working. It’s at those times we seek out a new way of being or expressing ourselves in the world.
Those transition times are always accompanied by a process of shedding. Shedding of old beliefs, patterns of behaviour, ways of relating to others and most importantly, how we relate with ourselves. The limits or fears we have internalised as being true for us need to be investigated. And so often, we discover they are not concrete, but instead blades of grass that can bend in the wind, giving us the freedom to choose a new way forward.
We need to cultivate new growth in ourselves to support this process too; new boundaries to honour our needs; new connections with people who lift us up; new tools and practices to calm our nerves in the face of the unknown; new trust in our own internal compass and inner wisdom to point us in the direction that is true for us. Our True Self will always lead us to what is nourishing for us. The key is to make time to listen and surround ourselves with the support we need to take action on its gentle prompts.
Develop your personal Inner Guidance System
The small voice inside you isn’t like the clanging noise of self-doubts raised by your inner critic or your ego. It is a gentle, soft, welcoming and uncompromising voice. Its purpose is to call you forward, into the ever-unfolding beauty of your fullest, most genuine and brilliant expression.
Our inner critic’s aim is to keep us safe, by sticking with the status quo and not drawing attention to ourselves or rocking the boat. Meanwhile, our True Self’s desire is to call us to live fully - where we feel alive, intentional, purposeful and deeply, unquestionably fulfilled.

Working with me is truly transformative
(but don’t just take my word for it…)
You can sail your ship to where ever your heart feels is your dream destination. However, I work with a specific kind of person.
Willing to take action on your dreams. While it’s normal to experience fears and anxieties (and we will be focused on successfully navigating through these) you do need to have an honest desire to move forward and willingness to take personal responsibility for your dreams.
Ready to debunk the myth that constant productivity is a prerequisite for ‘success’. I work with Creative Hearts who want to foster a gentle approach to life, so it’s enjoyable, true to your values AND feels sustainable for your health, wellbeing and relationships.
Keen to release the ‘shoulds,’ ‘ought tos,’ and ‘musts’ that society and popular culture attempt to instil in us. Excited to learn tools and practices to come home to yourself and build a life that’s true to you.
Excited to embrace who you are and what you need. Rather than longing to create a cookie-cutter version of someone else’s purposeful life, when you know who you are and what you stand for, your unique purposeful life will be so much more satisfying, for you :)
Willing to explore being more inclusive and fostering diversity. You are willing to explore how anti-racism, social justice, gender equality and other topics are important and relevant to building a purposeful life.
Excited to honour the fact you know yourself, better than anyone. You are the expert on you. When you put in the work, listen to yourself and take the time to implement the practices we’ll be exploring together, you can tap into your inner wisdom. This isn’t about wanting me to tell you what to do, so you don’t have to take responsibility, nor is this about substituting my ‘expert opinion’ for your own personal judgement and discernment. Odyssey is the opposite of this approach. It’s about developing deep self-trust, curiosity, and self-compassion so you can be the captain of your own ship, with confidence.
Wanting to surround yourself with healthy, supportive people. Healthy people validate you, act as your sounding board, do not gas-light you, they have your back, encourage you to pursue your dreams, are empathetic and compassionate, and listen to you. When we surround ourselves with healthy people, we are safe to grow, expand and follow our hearts. These are the values and modes of relating that underpin my work with clients.
Happy to fast-track to your purpose. While I believe everyone has their own process, timeline and journey, I also believe you can avoid taking decades trying to "figure it out". You do this by intentionally developing your inner guidance system and maintaining a consistent practice of taking action on what is important and true for you.
Able to dedicate the time you need during the 10 months we’ll be together to take aligned action on your dreams. I’m here to support you with how to bring those dreams to life, but I can’t do it for you. There may be times of resistance, and I’ll help you through that, but you need to trust the process, be resourceful and be committed to pursuing what is best for you.
Willing to show up honestly and excited by the idea of living a purposeful life. I love working with people who are enthusiastic about personal growth, curious and open-hearted, willing to try new things and want to change their lives for the better.

What’s Included…
20 x online live group mentoring sessions with Nicola Newman over the next 10 months. You can use these calls to share whatever you are navigating through, have a safe sounding board, ask questions, receive encouragement and tailored suggested actions, integrate the work and put into practice what you’ll discover. These calls will all be recorded so you can also play them back later.
Support via our Odyssey private group (that’s not hosted on social media). Ask me, and your cohort, anything, at any time. Receive feedback, support & deepen your experience between our live calls.
12 Months free membership in Creative Hearts Community. Join all the live events of your choosing and find inspiration for your creative life.
Members Portal: All of your lessons, PDFs & journalling workbooks, call recordings and community are on a central, members-only platform making your learning experience seamless.
Teaching Modules with:
Short teaching videos
Journaling workbooks & guided prompts
Practical exercises of mindfulness, self-compassion and self-discovery
Loads of inspiration and encouragement for your unique voyage.
A tight-knit community of Creative Hearts you belong to – who want to enjoy a sanctuary where their lives are seen as sacred, actively supported and encouraged. (The power of being in the presence of supportive people is life-changing.)
Momentum and aligned action come from being part of an incredibly inspiring, supportive community. Rubbing shoulders with others on this adventure will validate and normalise your experience, so that living your purpose becomes your new normal.
An experienced creative mentor as your coach, facilitator and guide. I bring a unique (and rare) blend of creativity, business savvy, and decades of experience living an unconventional life to the table to support you. I love to support you with the practical and emotional elements associated with living life on your own terms and navigating to the heart of your purpose.
Surprises & Bonuses… because I’m a Creative Heart, too, and I LOVE to make things and host experiences to surprise you with.
Your Investment
$10,200 AUD
Pay upfront and receive a discount. (Plus GST for Australian residents).
$950/m AUD
Choose a twelve-month payment plan of $950/month totalling $11,400 AUD. (Plus GST for Australian residents)
Secure your place now to start in November 2022!
Please note these prices are in Australian dollars.
To convert your currency, please click here.

Inside this 10 month program, you will experience the transformative results that unfold when you:
Receive expert guidance from a kind-hearted coach & mentor
Learn how to listen to your heart and navigate blocks to find your heart’s purpose
Surround yourself with an intimate supportive community of fellow Creative Hearts who are on a similar path of cultivating more fulfilment, direction & meaning in their lives.
When you click this button, you’ll be taken to the application questionnaire.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ” ~ Mark Twain
Your Creative Living Mentor
My desire is to inspire & equip you to nurture your creativity, be gentle with your fears, follow your heart and be true to yourself. Why? So you can experience the satisfaction that comes from trusting yourself and living your own authentic and fully expressed creative life.
The official Bio part
Nicola Newman is an award-winning artist and has held over 14 solo exhibitions around Australia. She’s produced and directed three documentaries on contemporary Australian artists and been commissioned by The Star, The Great Barrier Reef Research Foundation, Mirvac, Toyota Finance and private collectors.
Known for her down-to-earth, encouraging and authentic teaching style, she has guided creative hearts around the world through her popular creative workshops, retreats, coaching programs & courses.
She is also an author, podcaster and retreat host. Her work has been featured in Australian Country Magazine, ABC Organic Gardener, The Sunday Mail, Gentleman’s Quarterly, Nature & Health and more.
Her passion is demystifying the creative process and supporting others to be kind to themselves, follow their hearts and find meaning and fulfilment through creative living. Ready to navigate to the heart of your purpose? Join Nicola for this powerful 10-month intensive for creative hearts who are ready to find clarity, direction and fulfilment.

As Your Guide & Coach in ODYSSEY, I Will Be Your:
Creative mentor
With years of experience as a professional artist, creative business owner and writer, I’m here to support and encourage you in creating what you long to create in your life. I’ll share insights, shortcuts and processes I’ve learnt in my own journey of listening to my heart and overcoming blocks to crafting a uniquely satisfying, purposeful life. I’ll share an alternative viewpoint and guidance if you feel stuck and hold space for you to explore all your desires, hopes, fears and dreams in the process.
Heart-led coach
If you are looking for someone to gently help you stay focused and point you back towards the tasks and intentions you have set for yourself, I’m here to help you trust yourself. And while I understand there will be times your desires or intentions may change or your focus will shift, I’ll help you to recognise when it might be fear holding you back or a question that simply needs an answer, and I will help you to dissolve those creative blocks that masquerade as resistance, so you can take action and move forward in alignment with your heart’s desires.
Most enthusiastic cheerleader
I’m naturally an enthusiastic person, but seeing clients move toward their heart’s desires makes me jump-out-of-my-skin-excited. I will cheer you on, celebrate every action you take towards your dreams (both big and small) and get truly excited with and for you. I’ll remind you of what you are capable of, hold a big vision for your future, and celebrate with you. During our time together, you won’t have to feel like you are alone on this journey, as I’ll be with you, cheering you on every part of the way.
Strategic planner
There’s not much I love more than creating a plan, just ask my husband 😉 Let’s write a list. Break it down. Make it achievable, doable, simple and even fun! I’m here to support you in turning your ideas into actions. Together we will map a plan to move out of dreaming about your heart’s desires happening ‘one day’, and we will get specific about what needs to happen to bring them to life in the ‘here and now’! Often what we want is much closer than we think. We will get clear on what you want, dissolve the blocks holding you back, take action towards your dreams and stay open to big things happening as you are brave, follow your heart and create more.
Because you don’t need to do this on your own anymore…
Odyssey commences on Monday 7 November 2022. The first module’s content will be available on the learning platform a few days before the coaching call.
Two call slots will be used to cater to the timezones worldwide of clients who enrol. Wednesday 6 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, & Friday 10 am Australian Eastern Standard time (Brisbane, Australia).
The first call will be on Wednesday 9 November 2022 from 6 pm - 7:30 pm and Friday 11 November 10 am - 11:30 am (Brisbane, Australia time).
Odyssey will take place over 10 months with a total of 20 sessions with your group – this could extend to eleven months depending on the scheduling availability of our calls.
As a group, we will meet every two weeks allowing time for integration, reflection and connection with your Odyssey members in between, so you finish the Intensive with a cohort of Creative Hearts on this journey with you.
You’ll have the processes, foundation and tools you need to confidently navigate to the heart of your purpose in ways that feel good to you.
Two call slots will be used to cater to the timezones worldwide of clients who enrol. Wednesday 6 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, & Friday 10 am Australian Eastern Standard time (Brisbane, Australia).
The first call will be on Wednesday 9 November 2022 from 6 pm - 7:30 pm and Friday 11 November 10 am - 11:30 am (Brisbane, Australia time).
Convert to your timezone here. Subsequent calls will be planned for the same time every second week.
You will get the most out of Odyssey by participating in the live coaching calls. However, all of the calls will be recorded and housed in our private Member’s Area so you can catch the replay for any that you are unable to attend live.
Odyssey is capped at 10 participants.
I know how important and powerful it is to be validated, witnessed, held and encouraged when we are bringing something new into our lives and the world at large.
You will be warmly encouraged to share your writing, creative work, paintings, ideas, and dreams with the group in ways that feels safe and supportive for you.
In doing so, you will have the opportunity to build your creative muscles, see yourself through new eyes and anchor into your own inner world and creative expression in a deep, authentic space.
You can choose to pay in full or one of two payment plan options.
Upfront Payment:
One payment of $10,200*AUD. This equates to approximately $7500 USD.
Payment Plans:
You can choose to pay $950* x 12 months. These payments are in Australian dollars, will be charged 30 days apart and currently convert to approximately $660 USD a month.
$1900* x 6 months. These payments are in Australian dollars, will be charged 30 days apart and currently convert to approximately $1320 USD a month.
*If you are an Australian resident, the payment will be plus GST.
You may be wondering, “How much can I REALLY gain from this coaching experience? Will it turn out to be a wise, generative investment in my future, or an expense that will leave me feeling financially overwhelmed? I’ve never done something like this before (although, if I’m honest, I’ve also never made as much progress as I would like to, trying to do things on my own).”
Firstly, please give yourself a warm hug for being brave enough to put your fears into words and ask this question. When we really desire something, it’s incredible how much anxiety and nerves can be triggered in the process. Please rest assured, those feelings are completely normal when we are looking to be brave, step out and do something beyond the status quo.
The short answer to your question is, I don’t know. Signing up for Odyssey may turn out to be one of the best things you’ve ever done for yourself. Or, it may not be right for you — or right for you at this time.
The work I do with clients is upheld by a principle I firmly believe: You are the expert on you. This means, you know yourself, your circumstances and your needs better than anyone else. Instead of turning outwards and looking for validation, direction or permission, I invite you to use this decision to come home to yourself. You can trust yourself – your wisdom, your discernment, your discretion – to guide you towards shaping a creative life that is true, wholehearted, and healthy for you.
You may feel scared to own or acknowledge the truth of what you know, but deep inside of you, beyond your fears, beyond your hopes, beyond your creative dreams, there is a place within you that knows what’s true for you. Listen to that inner voice.
You can tune into your inner voice by focusing on your heart’s desire. Feel it’s pull. It’s resonance. Feel that tug of curiosity. Excitement. Possibility. Feel the you that wants to see your creative dream come to life, more than the you who wants to stay comfortable, secure and predictable. The truth is, as we’ve seen in the past year with the state of the world, nothing is predictable. In my experience, it’s more fulfilling to go for what you want, than to hide out.
No one knows what the future holds and there are no guarantees in life. Sometimes, we can have fears and doubts about how going after our creative dreams will impact our life.
Instead of focusing on certainty, I invite you to focus on cultivating curiosity. Curiosity about the you who you will become in navigating to the heart of your purpose. Curiosity leads to discoveries, transformations, expansions, and even more creativity. Choose to focus on curiosity, rather than certainty. When we focus on certainty, it leads to… well, more of what we already know.
So… the truth of the matter is, I don’t know what’s right for you.
However, here’s what I do know: Fears about money are rarely about money. If you had enough money to do anything you wanted to, would you choose to say Yes to Odyssey? Would you choose this as the safe container that holds you securely while you explore and nurture this next chapter of your life? Or would something else cause you to hesitate, or to say No at the threshold?
On a practical level, I have three suggestions to help you to navigate this decision.
#1. Check in with yourself (always check in with yourself!) Consider these five elements:
Use my favourite financial therapist Bari Tessler’s framework for making conscious money decisions.
The Numbers: Do you have enough money to cover the investment? Is there a way you could easily make the money (selling an existing offering, simplifying your expenses — it may be easier than you think!)
The Timing: Is this the right time for you to do this? Does finding more direction and purpose in your life feel like something your heart is longing to focus on now, in this season of your life?
The Value: Is living a purposeful, inspired life something you value? How willing are you to invest in nurturing yourself and developing the tools to find the heart of your purpose?
The Cost: What will it cost you to not do this? What will you miss out on by not choosing this path? We can struggle trying to do things on our own, when, if we surround ourselves with support, it can help us to increase our bottom line, boost our confidence, and support us to boldly share our creative work with the world, leading to more sales and money in the bank, so much sooner. Lacking confidence and clarity to take action is an opportunity lost and in accounting terms, it comes with an opportunity cost.
The Intention: Are you making this decision from a place of love for yourself and care for your wellbeing, both present and future? What is your intention in making this decision? What is your intention with your work in the world and the creative legacy you are creating? Is this decision intentional and full of love, or is it based in fear?
#2. Here are some other questions you can explore, to help you clarify what you truly want:
If I say Yes! to navigating to the heart of my purpose, who will I be twelve months from now?
If I say No, who will I be, twelve months from now?
How will my creative life change as a result? What treasures, blessings and experiences might unfold?
If I trusted myself completely, what would I choose to do now?
When you are clear on these questions, you can be sure everything is aligned for you to experience a wonderful return on your investment.
#3. Pull out a pen, or open a new document, and write down all your thoughts, feelings and ideas that come up around saying yes to this program.
What is holding you back? Are there real constraints? If it is something you really feel drawn to, are there any ways you can make it easier to say yes to yourself? Perhaps you can see it as a gift to your inner child, who longs to feel seen and heard in a safe community. Perhaps you can write it off as a business expense. See what comes up for and is true for you.
So, settle in and take a deep breath. Check in with yourself. Look at your numbers. Listen to and follow your heart.
Is this your time? You have the information inside you to know.
Most importantly, be an ally for your own creative self. Trust your sense of right timing, and trust that when you follow the call of your heart, you will be supported to bring to life that which you desire.
As your coach, I’ll personally host each and every call we have during the Odyssey coaching intensive. I don’t outsource or delegate coaching calls to sub-coaches or contractors. I’ll be your personal guide, host and biggest cheerleader the whole way through.
Yes! A major component of the Odyssey intensive is the private community area.
I’m very excited to announce the Odyssey Community platform comes with an app for both Android and Apple phones, and has a simple interface to navigate both on your computer or phone, making it easy to stay connected with the group whether you’re at home or out and about.
We will be using the Odyssey Community Forum as a private, sacred space where you will be encouraged to post updates of what you’re working on, your intentions for the week ahead, and as a space where you can ask for and receive support between our calls. It will also house the recordings of all our calls, resources for you to download to help you navigate to the heart of your purpose and much more.
The power of community is life-changing.
In my other programs, I’ve seen how being in community changes us. As Creative Hearts, having our way of seeing and experiencing the world honoured and validated is life-changing. It helps us to take the actions we need to take care of ourselves and our energy so we can show up and do the work in the world our heart is calling us to do. That’s why I’m so excited to have our community housed in a private, easily accessible and beautiful online space – meaning the power and support of your Odyssey community is just a click away throughout our time together, 24/7.
Our community will be housed in my own private platform - my Creative Hearts Community - hosted on Mighty Networks. I’ve moved away from Facebook as I love the simplicity and focus of having our own private, dedicated space.
The video recordings, modules, journalling workbooks and community chat/check-ins will all be housed in our private community.Your membership will also include 12 months of complimentary membership in my Creative Hearts Community, where you can join our live events, connect with other Creative Hearts from around the globe, watch the creative workshop replays, and more.
Our Odyssey program is hosted in its own private space within that community and is only accessible to Odyssey members.
You’re not alone. I’ve kept this in mind while developing the program content. While there will be some reading material, you can rest assured, you won’t be reading pages of research and theory or watching hours and hours of video content.
Even if you only join the live coaching call, ponder the journalling prompts and commit to your weekly actions, you’ll notice changes in your life, fulfilment and sense of purpose. -
Every Creative Heart who joins this journey is starting from a different place in their lives and in their work. So where you begin, meaning the experiences you already have had, your capacity in terms of resources and energy to focus on navigating to the heart of your purpose, and the stability you have in other areas of your life will all influence your results.
What I can say is this, if you feel called to have the support of a circle of Creative Hearts who have your back and are on this journey with you, and you feel you would flourish with the love, encouragement and guidance of a creative mentor and coach who will cheer you on every part of the way, then you are bound to experience results no matter where you are starting from. It could be in the first week, or it could take a number of months before things really ‘click.’
Life isn’t a race. And I value flow, over striving.
Having the right support could mean the difference between making huge shifts in your creative dream, or feeling stalled, frazzled and stagnant trying to do it all on your own. You may find you have so much presence and clarity that you can see the vision of the big, beautiful, bold picture of what you are creating, and also, through the inner work you do, the patience and mindful awareness to take the effective, intentional actions which make that dream come true.
I will encourage you to follow your heart and bring to life your creative dreams at the pace that works best for you.
As your coach, I guarantee you this: I will support you and show up for you 100% every time we meet on our coaching calls and within our community.
I’ll be present, listen wholeheartedly and be sensitive to your needs, holding space for what is most important to you in this season of your work and life. We will have powerful and meaningful conversations, and good belly laughs at times too. I’ll be sensitive when you need a gentle nudge to push you forward and when you need to rest, slow down and simplify along the way. More than anything, I’ll encourage you to be kind to yourself, and remind you of what you’re capable of even when you may not be able to see it for yourself right now.
My one request is you give this process 100% too. Bring your honesty, curiosity, open-heartedness and playfulness and don’t hold back. During our time together we can achieve incredible results in your life, all you need to do is be brave, follow your heart & create more.
I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you in building your purposeful, fulfilling and meaningful creative life.
Enrolment in Odyssey is non-refundable.
If you are not sure if this particular offering is right for you, please read through all of the information on this page. Take the time you need to familiarise yourself with my work so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to enrol. You are also welcome to ask specific questions via email (details below) and, if you apply to join the program you are welcome to ask questions on the call we have together prior to your official enrolment. I look forward to hearing from you.
To secure your place inside Odyssey: Navigate to the Heart of Your Purpose, simply book in to speak with me by clicking the “Apply Now” button on this page, where you will be taken to the application form.
Completing the application form will not guarantee you a place in the Odyssey program, nor will it guarantee a conversation with me, however, it will help me get to know you and your dreams for your creative life better and clarify whether or not we are a great fit to work together.
From there, you might be accepted into Odyssey immediately if we are both sure it’s right for you, or, if either of us has questions, you will be invited to have a call with me where we will have a conversation to clarify details further. This call will not be a sales call, rather, it will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you would like to ask, and experience firsthand what it’s like to work with me. And if afterwards, it is a wholehearted “Yes!” from the both of us, then you’re in! You can pay in full or on a payment plan.
You can email them to info@nicolanewman.com. When you contact me, please keep in mind I practice what I preach and take time for self-care in amongst running my business, and sometimes I am sailing out of internet range for a day or so. Please rest assured you will hear back from me asap.
I look forward to hearing from you!