Express Your Creativity, Learn to Paint & Flourish in Your Creative Life
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living is a year-long global creativity school for aspiring creatives, creative professionals and creative entrepreneurs who are ready to be brave, dissolve creative blocks, nurture their creativity & be kind to themselves.
Build your practical skills alongside your playfulness, curiosity & uninhibited self-expression.
Embark on a year of painting, writing, mixed media and photography.
Connect with a beautiful, supportive global community and a heart-led mentor.
Enjoy bucket loads of inspiration, practical support and teaching.
Based online (so you can participate at your own pace), Flourish includes a whole suite of creative workshop videos, live creative mentorship, incredible guest teachers, full-day virtual creative retreats, and loads of inspiration to support you in your creative life.
You’ll discover tools to listen to your heart and bravely begin fun-filled creative projects. Above all, you will discover how to trust yourself and enjoy the creative process.
Inside this year-long program, you will experience the transformative results that unfold when you:
+ Receive expert guidance from a professional artist and creative mentor skilled with the practical and emotional aspects of creating.
+ Learn how to flow in the creative process and actively cultivate supportive mindsets in place of unhelpful beliefs about your ability and capacity to create.
+ Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow Creative Hearts who are on a similar path of nurturing their creativity & embracing more playfulness & delight in their everyday life.
When you click this button, you’ll be taken to the payment options.
Do You Want To
Discover how to paint with acrylic and oil paints?
Overcome resistance and creative blocks?
Learn from a professional artist who won’t make you feel silly or embarrassed but instead will encourage you to uncover your hidden creative talents with lots of enthusiastic support and practical step-by-step workshops?
Then you’re in the right place.
I work with people like you (coaches, entrepreneurs, busy mums, artists, healers, writers and creatives)
Who long to get in touch with their creativity and connect with their own voice.
Dissolve creative blocks.
Not worry what other people think.
And create their unique version of a flourishing creative life.
My clients share something in common: They are curious, open-hearted, and dedicated to living a life that lights them up from the inside.
They value soulful satisfaction, authentic connection and creative expression.
If this rings true for you, then maybe you would love to be able to pick up a paintbrush and create a painting you are proud of.
Or you’d love to know how to deal with the anxiety that can accompany starting a new creative project.
Or how to develop your unique voice and style, because you know nurturing your creativity holds the promise of more satisfaction, fulfilment and purpose in your life.
So, Why Haven’t You Been Prioritising & Expressing Your Creativity Lately?
As well as feeling the prompt to express your creativity, you are likely faced with challenges of choosing a creative project, knowing what materials you will need, and how to deal with the inevitable self-doubts that accompany stepping into unknown territory. Plus, you need to figure out how to fit creativity into your already busy life – ideally without making a mess from one side of the house to the other!
Depending on what is happening in your life right now and how you have nurtured your creativity in the past, you might face various challenges. Perhaps:
You worry you don’t have time to devote to your creativity. Although you long to pick up a paintbrush or write from your heart, you are well aware of the multitude of items already on your to do list and the seemingly unending demands on your time with family, friends and work.
You feel uncertain about your abilities – it may be years since you picked up a paintbrush, and you aren’t sure if you have it within you. Will what you produce be any good? Is it worth trying?
You believe you aren’t creative enough – you’re more science-based/business brained/practical & logical. While the idea of being creative is lovely, you think some people are naturally gifted and that gene skipped you entirely (and perhaps landed in your sister).
You have tried to express your creativity & were disappointed with the results. You felt excited at the prospect of painting and bought a sketchbook and art materials. But when you tried, you were embarrassed with what you could create.
You’re not sure which project to choose, or the materials you will need. Walking into an art shop is fun, but overwhelming with the options. And while there are endless possibilities of what you could create, you’re not sure how to choose which project to start with. You want to gently develop your abilities instead of knocking the confidence (& inspiration) out of you.
Here’s What I Know
There is a path through the self-doubt, resistance, unknowns and entire spectrum of inner conflicts that try to overwhelm you when you say Yes! to your creativity.
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living offers you a compass to guide you back to your natural state of inner playfulness, presence, curiosity and creative power.
And, Flourish! is the best kind of creative playdate — intimate, gentle, playful, colourful, filled with the inspiration, tools and support you need to either discover (or re-discover) your creative side, learn new creative techniques and delight your inner artist.
With skilled guidance, and the encouragement of a community of folks who are also nurturing their creativity, you’ll cultivate supportive mindsets and develop practical skills to create paintings you can be proud of, not to mention tune into your heart to craft a life that’s aligned with your values.
In Flourish! we will journey together for a full year to transform creative blocks such as perfectionism, fear of failure, being so hard on yourself, and nip comparison in the bud so you can focus on your own personal discoveries, give yourself permission to nurture your creativity and be kind to yourself.

Creative Block #1:
“I’m not sure I’m creative enough…”
Our culture loves to divide us into two camps; creative or not creative. From the time we hit high-school, we are cajoled into choosing subjects set in opposition to one another – maths or drama; science or art; history or manual arts.
But this is just a construct of our times. Creativity is in your DNA, it’s part of your ancestry. You don’t have to look too far back to see how your ancestors cooked, baked, sewed, painted, played music, cross-stitched, mended, built, and created things. Those skills are dormant inside your fingers, waiting for you to wake them up.
Here’s What’s Possible:
When you shift your thinking from ‘I’m not enough…’ to cultivating curiosity towards discovering how you can improve, discover, grow, learn and develop, you expand what is possible in your world. You no longer are held hostage by the status quo of our times, you are free to step outside the box of consuming other people’s (or corporations) creations, and instead, experience the delightful discovery and freedom the comes with being brave enough to make your own.
Creative Block #2:
“I don’t know why I’m procrastinating…”
You’ve researched, read books, watched videos on Youtube, signed up for workshops, bought art supplies and created Pinterest boards. You’d love to paint and be more creative, but you’re too tired, too busy, too overwhelmed, too uninspired, too hungry to get started now. You get to the end of your day and realise you haven’t picked up a paintbrush, written your words or taken steps towards expressing your creativity. Quietly, you wonder if you just don’t have it in you to follow through, and tell yourself it’s for others, but perhaps not for you.
Here’s What’s Possible:
When you honour the call of your heart to step in a new direction, it opens the door to experiencing the world in new ways. However, it also brings with it fears around what will happen if we change course. Our culture is full of stereotypes around what it means to be an artist – and not many of them sound inviting – crazy, broke, isolated, broken, weird, obsessed, lonely, selfish, self-absorbed.
Your mind will throw up all kinds of ways to help resist these perceived threats by helping redirect your attention to less ‘risky’ endeavours – like decluttering your wardrobe, answering emails, watching TV or Netflix, or going to sleep. While none of those activities are bad, when you don’t have the skills to reframe your creative desires with positive expectations and practices to calm your nervous mind, you never get to experience the joys of discovering what you are capable of creating, or be so absorbed in the process you lose track of time in your own experience of bliss.
Creative Block #3:
“I don’t have enough time…”
You’re feeling frustrated by the demands on your time. Your work, home life, children, health and partner all require your attention. Just when you might begin to see the clouds parting and enough space opens up to devote to your creativity, another unforeseen obstacle rears its head; an illness, working overtime, or, let’s face it, the next season of your favourite show on Netflix.
Here’s What’s Possible:
When we become clear on our priorities and anchor our desires deeply inside our heart, we begin to notice miracles occur in our schedules. Where we didn’t notice we had 20 mins free, we now realise we can write a few paragraphs, or pull out our watercolours and play. Our minds love to keep us safe, and that means not doing anything out of the ordinary (like expressing ourselves – oh my!) Thankfully it doesn’t take long to retrain those thought patterns and realise we are safe to pick up (and put down) creative projects, mindfully using a few minutes (or a leisurely afternoon) to refill our own well.
Creative Block #4:
“What if what I paint sucks?”
You’re afraid of your partner’s or family’s judgements of what you paint and create. It feels immobilising imagining the awkward silence while they look at what you’ve produced and try to find words to congratulate you, when you can see on their face they don’t think it’s very good. What if it fails? What if you discover you can’t paint, you’re a hopeless case (you’re not) and you don’t even like what you produce?
Here’s What’s Possible:
Stopping yourself from taking action in one area of your life due to fear of what other people will think, will often lead to stopping you taking action in another area. The good news is, you can define what success means for you personally, guided by your own values. When you reassure yourself through compassionate affirmations and gentle reminders that you are not your accomplishments, nor is your worth tied to any particular thing, you allow yourself to step into a world that is full of possibilities.
You can notice when your self-worth is attached to what you are creating and separate the judgement of whether you like the outcome, from whether you are a failure. You can say, “Ok, this was an experiment that didn’t work out as I’d envisioned. That’s useful because it’s giving me insight and information, and now I can use what I’ve learnt to improve and adjust in my next experiment.” (This is a freeing way to live too).

The Curriculum
A year-long program for gentle, joyful creative exploration
With a rich, diverse goldmine of content
Hand-chosen, heart-led expert Guest Teachers
Monthly group coaching calls with Nicola
LIVE virtual creative retreats on Zoom
LIVE Painting Workshops on Zoom
A kind, supportive global community
12 months of teaching in a carefully planned, flexible structure
Practical, step-by-step creative workshops in downloadable HD video
Inspiration, gentleness, love, and support
Monthly Modules to download and keep forever
For complete beginners, creative professionals & creative entrepreneurs.
For anyone with a willing heart and a curious mind.
One complete tapestry weaving together the emotional AND practical aspects of creative living.
All for an affordable, monthly price.
When you click this button, you’ll be taken to the payment options.
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living Includes
The Three Phases of Creative Living
4 x Full Day Virtual Creative Retreats
4 x Creative Workshops
12 x Monthly Themed Community Calls
14 x Guest Teacher Sessions
57+ Video Lessons & Creative Workshops
Resources + Powerful Worksheets
Private Member’s Website
12 Months FREE Membership in Nicola’s Private Creative Hearts Community
Library of Resources
Group Coaching
2 x Organic Gardening Courses - Bonus
What Is The Investment?
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living
Enrollment Options
Join Us Now!
Secure your place and start today!
Monthly payment plans are available.
Prices plus GST for Australian residents.
Please note these prices are in Australian dollars.
To convert your currency, please click here.
Flourish Monthly
Payment Plan
12 x monthly payments
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $120 USD p/month)
$170 p/m
Flourish One-Time Payment
One-off payment
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $1300 USD)
Flourish + Private Coaching
Includes everything in the Standard Option
PLUS: 5 x 90 minute private coaching/mentoring sessions & unlimited email support.
Payment plans available (email for details)
Australian Dollars
Only 5 Places Available
Here’s an Overview of the Creative Adventures
& Terrain We Explore Inside Flourish
Let’s dive into fun-filled creative adventures together!

Our Map: 3 Phases of Creative Exploration
Creative Renewal, Creative Practices, Creative Maps
1. Creative Renewal
This is the emotional side of reclaiming your creativity.
Here, you’ll let go of old stories about your creative abilities and shine a tender, loving light on your creative past. You’ll uncover attitudes you have absorbed from your family and culture and discover tools to gently move through creative shame, perfectionism and self-doubt. You will give yourself a sense of safety and surround yourself with support. Then, with playfulness and curiosity, you’ll set your intentions for the next season of your creative life.
Your creative life includes your environment, mind and emotions, and my approach to creative renewal honours each one.
We’ll spend four months here, building a strong foundation for your creative life to truly flourish.
You will create an environment that lights you up from the inside and nurtures your creative heart (even if it’s on the kitchen table!).
Experience fun-filled painting projects you can begin right away.
Learn why presence is key to flourishing with your creativity and the five access points to presence.
Learn how to ‘trust the process’ and be surprised by what you can create.
Discover the magic of ‘clearing space’ emotionally, physically and mentally in order to tap into your creative flow.
Surround yourself with support, so you can flourish in your new creative sanctuary.
Learn body-centred practices to ground yourself in the present moment and unlock your creativity with more ease and joy.
2. Creative Practices
This is the practical side of creative living.
Develop your skills, learn how to paint with acrylic and oil paints, and use free journaling, collage and photography to support your creative expression. From colour mixing, brush control and painting materials to explorative mark-making and spontaneous intuitive painting, we develop our practical skills with incremental baby steps and lots of playful experimentation.
You’ll be guided through multiple creative projects from start to finish, so you can incrementally master practical creative skills and develop your visual language to express what is in your heart. You learn how to use mindfulness to navigate your inner critic during the creative process, and instead foster a loving relationship with yourself based on self-compassion and playful curiosity.
We’ll spend 4 months here, exploring a multitude of creative disciplines and techniques.
Understand everything you need to know about brushes, acrylic paints, oil painting and more.
Find out how to take your paintings to the next level. Jump in beside me as we explore colour mixing, and how to create ‘complex colours’ that express your personal touch (it’s easier than you think!).
Learn the most effective way I’ve found to practice non-judgemental creativity and find a road-map to my heart’s desires.
Break through creative blocks with a variety of practical techniques and supportive mindsets.
3. Creative Maps
Here, we draft the three-terrains of your creative map to guide you through the mountains and valleys of the creative process. Cultivate your inspiration and navigate feedback or criticism as you give yourself permission to create in ways that align with your heart. Let go of comparison and embrace your natural rhythms and timing as you uncover your unique creative path ahead.
Creative Maps anchor us amidst the multitude of choices we face on a daily basis to craft a life aligned with our values. Having your own Creative Map helps you to embrace your natural rhythms and work with the different seasons of the creative process, while staying connected to your heart and what is calling you next.
We’ll spend four months here, exploring how to weave creative living into your life as a whole.
Nurture your curiosity and inspiration by developing your own unique Creative Map.
Understand how working with natural rhythms supports you to create with more joy, ease and flow.
Experience the power of self-critiquing your own work, in a gentle, self-authoritative process.
Identify the difference between inviting criticism vs protecting yourself from it (and when it’s time to do both).
Develop your personal painting style and understand the surprising blueprint of how to get there.
Discover how to fit your creativity into a busy schedule and easily turn it into a lifestyle rather than a task.
Infuse more rest and play into your life to invigorate your creative practice.
Learn how to build a creative life that lights you up – for the long-term – through different seasons and as your life evolves.
Here’s What’s Included…
You’ll have so much support for your creative life!

The program unfolds fluidly through these three phases. Relax into the journey, knowing I am holding the map to keep us on track as we explore The Art of Creative Living.
While being held within the overarching structure, we’ll dive into one theme each month — from painting to photography, mindfulness to inspiration, originality to criticism, and creative projects to self-care. Explore the intricacies and nuances of living a creative life — with spaciousness and time to prepare for the journey and integrate what you’ve discovered.
We will come together as a community to celebrate, encourage and share together as we traverse this creative terrain. There is no need to do this alone, you have fellow Creative Hearts on this journey with you to cheer you on. I will also be available to answer specific questions and offer feedback, mentoring or coaching if you desire. And don’t worry, if you are feeling shy or will be unavailable for the live call, you can always send in questions ahead of time.
I’ve invited an incredible selection of guest teachers to teach on “creativity + their area of expertise.” We will be exploring professional practice and showing with galleries, creative confidence and overcoming self-doubt, shaping your life through journaling and self-inquiry, high sensitives and creativity, and embracing the menstrual cycle in creative living, plus much, much more. I can’t wait to bring these guest teachers to you!
Begin each month with a fresh module released into the Member’s Area website. Modules include high definition videos, audios, playbooks, creative exercises and guided video-based art workshops, which we call Studio Dates, exploring the month’s particular theme. The best part? You can download and keep these resources forever.
I’m thrilled to offer four virtual creative retreats as part of the program. Each quarter, to celebrate having creative friends all around the globe, we will gather together for a full day in a virtual group on Zoom. You can choose to focus on any of the creative projects explored within the program, or something completely self-directed, and enjoy the momentum and sense of community coming together brings. Carving out time for art is easy when you do it with others.
Connection with other Creative Hearts is easy inside the program. Engage within our private Creative Hearts Community as much or as little as you like. Post pictures of your paintings and creations, ask for and receive support, and meet like-minded folks from all around the world in a safe space where creativity is cherished and fostered. I am also active inside the group, so if you would like to explore a specific question or theme, just ask!
Within the monthly Creative Adventures (also known as monthly modules) are Studio Dates — these are videos where I guide you through creative projects from start to finish. We explore painting, writing, photography, collage, journaling, poetry and more. Discover what lights you up with my gentle and encouraging guidance. Tap into your preferred creative practices through experimentation and a playful approach.
You’ll be held with so much love by me and the program. You’ll receive emails, support and resources to encourage you to continue to engage with the materials — at your own pace — with prompts, stories and a gentle touch.
I’ve been studying, learning and exploring creative living for 20+ years. I’m delighted to share with you my favourite reading list and resources. And there’s no need to worry, the library is not here to overwhelm you. Your Monthly Creative Adventures are streamlined and guided. These resources are an added extra if you want to delve deeper into any specific topic, with suggested books and resources in a curated collection of my favourites — to support you in your creative life.
I’ve decided to bundle up my much-loved organic gardening courses “The Abundant Veggie Patch System” and “Grow Organic Food in Pots” and include them inside Flourish: The Art of Creative Living. You will be able to access these self-paced video-based e-courses any time, and enjoy growing your own organic food from your garden with my practical guidance.
Have Questions? We Have Answers.
We have given every aspect of Flourish loads of love and careful consideration.
Want to know more about anything and everything?
Click here to read the full FAQ.

An Abundance of Resources
As a Flourisher, you’ll also receive access to my entire library of online resources for the life of the online portion of the program (for years to come): all the monthly modules in Flourish: The Art of Creative Living, my two online organic gardening courses, creative living interviews, my list of recommended reading, favourite creative living podcasts, resources and articles, and more. Even after your Flourish year is over. After the 12 months, you can choose to continue on as a paid member of the Creative Hearts Community, where you’ll access the ongoing community calls, live workshops and virtual retreats.
Your complete Flourish library of resources includes:
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living, monthly modules (downloadable videos, audios, pdfs)
12 Months Free Membership in Creative Hearts Community
The Abundant Veggie Patch System (online course)
Grow Organic Food in Pots (online course)
Paint Your Own Wisdom Cards (video workshop)
Outdoor Painting Adventure (video workshop)
Recorded interviews with incredible guest teachers
Recommended reading list
Exercises, playbooks, articles
My list of favourite creative living podcasts and interviews
… and more…
Program Delivery
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living is a year-long global creativity school.
Monthly Creative Adventures includes high-definition video demonstrations from inside my studio, conceptual sessions and Studio Dates where you can embark on your own creative projects in an explorative, safe learning environment. Plus, you get a library of bonus Masterclasses and Guest Teacher interviews to take your creative practice to the next level.
Flourish Includes:
Twelve months of content.
Lifetime access to 57+ Training Videos, multiple PDF workbooks, worksheets and audios.
Monthly group coaching calls at alternating times to accommodate students all over the world (recorded in case you can’t make it live).
24/7 access to our dedicated membership website, home to all your videos and materials.
Private Creative Hearts Community membership for the entire year of the program – with the option to stay in community for a low monthly fee after that.
Affirmations & guided meditations
Bonus Masterclass video trainings to expand your creative life
Guest teacher interviews on their area of expertise + creative living.

The Specifics – at the Completion of Flourish You Will Have the Tools & Knowledge to:
Feel confident getting started on a new painting or creative project
Be comfortable walking into an art store & know what materials you need
Stop feeling like you’re ‘not creative’ & instead, embrace your innate creativity
Take bold action on the canvas & in your creative life
Increase your intuition, imagination, & inspiration
Know how to overcome creative blocks with gentleness and curiosity
Express your personal painting style
Take the pressure off yourself – stop feeling like everything has to be perfect
Mix colours that delight you & are true to your style & personal taste
Deal with criticism – from your inner critic or from others
Be present to the beauty, sparkle & details of life, nature and the world at large
Understand the value of being gentle with yourself & have practical tools to do so
Write from your heart & develop your unique voice
Spend more time being creative with your children, family & friends
Use creativity as a form of self-care so you can nourish your soul from the inside out
Create multiple paintings you can feel proud to hang on your wall

During Flourish! We’ll Resolve Your Questions Such As…
I’m not sure I’m creative enough — what if I don’t have it within me? (You do. Trust me.)
What do I do if I have trouble deciding on a creative project?
How do I know which materials are worth my time and money?
How can I start being more creative now? I don’t want to put this off until next year.
What if other people don’t like what I create?
How do I access more flow in my life, so I can be creative more regularly?
… and much more.

Hear From a Recent Flourish Graduate…
Meet Fran
Fran immediately began seeing results in her creative life after joining Flourish. She even has lower blood pressure! She sees the world with new eyes and is using her art to process her feelings around the political climate in the USA. She said after she took the leap, she realised investing in her creativity made so much sense, and she didn’t look back. After years away from painting, she can’t stop painting in her studio and is loving the creative process!
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living
Enrollment Options
Join Us Now!
Secure your place and start today!
Monthly payment plans are available.
Prices plus GST for Australian residents.
Please note these prices are in Australian dollars.
To convert your currency, please click here.
Flourish Monthly
Payment Plan
12 x monthly payments
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $120 USD p/month)
$170 p/m
Flourish One-Time Payment
One-off payment
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $1300 USD)
Flourish + Private Coaching
Includes everything in the Standard Option
PLUS: 5 x 90 minute private coaching/mentoring sessions & unlimited email support.
Payment plans available (email for details)
Australian Dollars
Only 5 Places Available
What We’ll Create & Explore Each Month…
Here’s a snapshot of what we’ll explore together…

Phase 1:
Creative Renewal
Module 1 ~ “Preparation”
Set the Stage for the Year Ahead with Mindsets & Art Materials
You Will:
Set the stage with the Quick-Start Guide video mini-series — paving the way to get the most out of this explorative, creative year.
Discover all about the specific art materials we’ll be playing with during the year and where you can get them — with a list of art suppliers at different price points from budget to professional ranges — from all around the globe.
Settle into the safe container of our program, with support from me to access our Private Member’s Area.
Nurture and develop supportive creative mindsets which will help dissolve creative blocks and pave your way forward into the year ahead.
Module 2 ~ “Creative History”
Explore Your Personal Creative Story
This is where we gently look at our past creative experiences – with loads of compassion, forgiveness & curiosity.
You Will:
Begin to practice the Inquisitive Pause (my favourite tool for working with creative shame and blocks!)
Dig into the past to find the gemstones of your unique creative story
Examine the complex, subtle influence of your family of origin on your creative life
Learn to forgive yourself and others in your creative life.
Module 3 ~ “Studio & Creative Sanctuary”
Create a Space Where it’s Safe to Play, Explore & Create
This is where we set up a space where you feel safe to explore all the facets of your creativity without fear of judgements from yourself or others.
How to set up your studio space so you flourish (even if it’s on the kitchen table!)
Why presence is key for your creativity.
The five access points to presence.
How to ‘trust the process’ and be surprised by what you can create.
How to tweak your space to give you better light, more room to paint, and clever storage.
The magic of ‘clearing space’ emotionally, physically and mentally.
How to surround yourself with support, so you can flourish in your new creative sanctuary.
The gift of releasing the fear of ‘mistakes’.
The almighty useful ‘Get Ready & Stick With It Checklist’ to keep you on track.
Fun-filled Studio Dates to set up an inspiring space and set your intentions.
Module 4 ~ “Play”
Your Creativity is Waiting
This where we come back to our centre (the one that got lost when we ‘grew up’) and experience the pure pleasure, productivity and power, that comes from remembering how to play.
Tricks of the Trade to get out of your head and onto the canvas.
How to take the pressure off, and let yourself be truly playful.
THE surprising prompts I’ve used to produce hundreds of paintings over the years and make blank canvases a whole lot more FUN to play on.
Unique exercises to give yourself permission to play.
Beginning with simple gestures.
Why painting ‘badly’ is actually a good thing.
Releasing perfection and embracing playfulness. This truly is the key to a happy (& productive!) life.
THE best painting tips around to get started and keep you inspired on your creative journey.
How play unlocks the door to accessing flow, experimentation and your unique creativity.
Fun-filled Studio Dates where we start to explore more in depth processes with layering and composition..
Phase 2:
Creative Practices
Module 5 ~ “Acrylics”
Learn How to Use Acrylic Paints to Express Your Heart
Want to know how to use acrylic paints in a way that unlocks your creative heart AND look stunning?
Everything you need to know about brushes, acrylic paints and more.
Which mediums, glazing techniques and compounds I love to use to add variety, texture and luminosity to my paintings. You will be amazed as you see your paintings transform and develop.
How to take your paintings to the next level. Jump in beside me as we explore colour mixing, and how to create ‘complex colours’ that express your personal touch (it’s easier than you think!).
Painting projects where we’ll work in layers to take the pressure off things being perfect first go, and simultaneously add depth to your work.
How to pack a punch! Come with me as I guide you through the processes involved in abstract painting by applying elements such as opacity, translucence, contrast and tone. Plus discover how to bring it all together!
Plus joy filled Studio Dates to get you covered in paint and feeling ‘in the flow’.
Module 6 ~ “Oils”
Discover How to Use Oil Paints with Joy & Ease
This is where it gets gooey and potentially messy. Where we take it to the next level of beauty and possibility. Oil paints aren’t for the faint-hearted, but I’ll show you how to master them to create paintings you’re proud of.
What makes oil paints different, the brands I love to use and why.
Brushes and tools that work with oil paints, and what doesn’t.
Oil vs water-based paints and what you must know if you want your paintings to last.
How to keep your palette and colours ‘clean’, so you can freely create from your heart.
Techniques I’ve learnt over many years of painting with oils that will short-cut your learning curve.
The importance of understanding how to paint ‘fat over lean’ so your oil paintings don’t crack or wrinkle.
The simplest way to clean your tools & brushes after using oil paints.
The surprising tools I use painting with oils and why they are my favourite painting implement.
How to find and use unusual tools to add variety, spontaneity and definition to your paintings.
Fun-filled Studio Dates that will take away the fear of painting with oils, and leave you inspired to keep exploring this delicious medium.
Module 7 ~ “Collage, Writing & Photography”
Break Out of the Mold & Explore Your World
This is where we’ll discover mindsets and techniques to revel in our freedom of expression both inside the studio, and out.
Working with collage, assemblage and fabrics to bring dimension, personal history, authenticity and story to your creative practice.
THE most effective way I’ve found to practice non-judgemental creativity and find a road-map to my heart’s desires.
Exploring composition and embracing the beauty of imperfection through photographic adventures & expeditions (even your smart-phone will work!)
Writing techniques that break through creative blocks and how they can be used to support your painting process.
A simple free-style formula that will surprise you with your ability to write meaningful, touching poetry that flows with rhythm.
The 3 writing principles I use in my creative practice to unlock stories, meaning, inspiration, clarity and joy in my day-to-day life.
Being GENTLE with yourself and discovering why it’s the key to finding freedom in your creativity, work and life.
Fun-filled Studio Dates that will get you in touch with the fabric of your life and carve your lineage into your personal history.
Module 8 ~ “Implementation & Integration”
Reflect, Review & Celebrate
This is where we pause and integrate what we’ve covered so far.
Celebrate your mindset shifts, developing skills and new discoveries – big and small!
Clarify where you may like to dive deeper in the Creative Renewal & Creative Practices phases
Review everything we’ve covered in months 1- 6
Phase 3:
Creative Maps
Module 9 ~ “Rhythms”
Embrace Cycles & Seasons to Sustain Your Creative Life
Creativity doesn’t end in the studio. It permeates your everyday life. We’ll dive into how to sustain your creative life so it carries you into an adventure-filled world of possibilities.
Clarifying & embracing your personal rhythms, amidst the creative process.
The “Three Terrains of Creative Maps” exercise – beginning with Rhythms and Seasons
The value of cultivating rest and play and how it invigorates your creative practice.
Why approaching your work with an appreciation of nature’s seasons, can carry you with less effort and more joy through your creative life.
How working with your menstrual cycle if you menstruate supports your creative expression.
Fun-filled Studio Dates to embrace the seasons.
Module 10 ~ “Inspiration”
Know Yourself & Fill Your Well of Inspiration
This is where we’ll develop your unique style and bridge the gap between “I want to be creative” and “I don’t know what to paint.”
Why knowing yourself is the key to discovering your rich inspiring life.
How to use your intuition to find what inspires you.
Using a sketchbook and other modern ways to fill your own ‘inspirational well’.
How you are best supported. Understanding how your materials, environment and tools are your allies.
Tricks of the trade: using nature and everyday life as your greatest source of inspiration.
Fun-filled Studio Dates – painting outdoors and painting from photographs!
Module 11 ~ “Growth”
Develop Your Personal Painting Style & Tools for Dealing with Criticism
Your painting practice is an evolution of discovery. Personal discovery. Aesthetic discovery. And the discovery of your world.
Inviting criticism vs protecting yourself from it (and when it’s time to do both).
Authentic creative expression and what you should know about learning from creators who’ve gone before you.
The secret to developing your personal painting style and the surprising blue-print of how to get there.
The value of creative communities and how to find like-minded souls to share your journey with.
Following your bliss.
Nurturing your paintings, so you can develop your own aesthetic.
Self-critique. As an artist this has been an integral part of my art career, and you’ll discover the processes I use to know what direction to explore in my paintings. I’ll guide you through the process to successfully critique your own paintings to propel you forward and explore what creative expressions light you up.
Finally, and this is a big one, we’ll cover knowing when to stop.
Fun-filled Studio Date where we’ll explore monoprinting techniques.
Module 12 ~ “Celebration”
Close Your Creative Year with Ceremony & Celebration
Combine closure and celebration, with visioning for the future.
Celebrate and honour. Rest and rejuvenate.
Hold space for transitions, evolutions and changes.
Listen to your heart and refine your vision for a creative year next year, too.
Flourish is truly transformative for your creative life
(but don’t just take my word for it…)

Meet Beth
Beth has seen incredible success with Flourish. In fact, the results she saw from the program helped her navigate her inner critic in new ways and enjoy her work as a writer with more freedom. She’s now writing a book about creativity! Not to mention, she teaches writing and creativity to school children and teachers.
Beth Cregan shares her thoughts about Flourish in her own words:

Plus, Drumroll Please…
Meet Your Incredible Guest Teachers!
I’m so thrilled to share the lineup of incredible guest teachers and contributors I have gathered to support you in your creative life. These creatives inspire me and I’m so honoured they are part of Flourish: The Art of Creative Living.
I consider each of them as an expert in their field. I can’t wait to share with you their messages of joy, freedom, compassion, exploration and authenticity. We have chosen a topic to explore together to support and enhance your journey. In addition to the heart-led, year-long framework with me (creative renewal, creative practices, creative maps), we will welcome these guest expert teachers and dive into their area of expertise with more personal stories, teaching and tools to support you in your creative life.
Have Questions? We Have Answers.
We have given every aspect of Flourish loads of love and careful consideration.
Want to know more about anything and everything?
Click here to read the full FAQ.

What’s Included…
Video Lessons: 57+ Video lessons to watch online or download and keep forever.
Video Workshops: Video workshops guide you step by step through painting, photography, writing and other creative projects.
Audio Lessons: Time poor? Audio files for each training video and studio date video are provided so you can listen in the car, while out walking, etc.
Powerful Worksheets: PDF worksheets are provided to guide you deeper into your learning and assist you in forging your personal creative path.
Members Portal: All of your lessons, PDFs and bonuses are on a central, members-only website making your learning experience as smooth as possible.
Monthly Community Calls: Monthly calls to answer any of your questions. These are also recorded so you can play them back later.
Guided Meditation: Supportive affirmations & meditation to help guide you back to your heart and feel safe to nurture your creativity.
Online Community: Private Creative Hearts Community to connect with other members 24/7, ask questions and support each other.
Plus These Incredible Bonuses!
Join Flourish: The Art of Creative Living and you will also receive
Over $1200 Value
Exhibiting and Promoting
Ever wanted to approach a gallery about your work, but weren’t sure how to go about it? Wonder how to get the confidence to ‘put your work out there’? What are the guidelines and industry protocols when it comes to finding an agent or having an exhibition?
In this bonus video, I share my journey to becoming a professional, full-time artist. I also include a list of the institutions and industry resources that helped me along the way.
How to Photograph Your Paintings
Want to photograph your paintings so you can keep a record of your artworks, share the images online or submit your artwork for prizes or exhibitions?
There are a number of important steps you need to take to make sure your paintings stay true to form and the colours are accurate. In this bonus training I walk you through step-by-step how I was trained at university to photograph paintings and keep a record of your portfolio.
Creating with Children: Guide to Play-Dates
Making art with kids is one of my favourite things to do. Ever since I was ten I’ve been teaching children fun artistic projects they can do at home.
Set up a successful Children’s Creativity Play-Date. Whether you’re an aunty, parent or grandparent, this training will inspire you to have rewarding, fun and creative play dates with the children in your life.
Behind the Scenes of an Art Exhibition
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of an art exhibition? In this video you’ll see the process of hanging my artworks and preparing for the opening night of my exhibition ‘Natural Instincts’ at Anita Traverso Gallery in Melbourne.
You’ll also hear the guest speakers describe my painting practice and get to come along for a night of wine, art and culture.
Additional Bonuses
Online Organic Gardening Courses
I’ve decided to include my gardening courses as bonuses in Flourish: The Art of Creative Living.
You can access Grow Organic Food in Pots & The Abundant Veggie Patch System immediately after you enrol in Flourish — or whenever you choose — and go through the online video-based training course(s) at your own pace.
I see gardening as a creative activity, and now, I’m thrilled to include all my online courses in one, comprehensive experience.
The Abundant Veggie Patch System ($297 value)
The Abundant Veggie Patch System is an online video course that will take your back-yard and make it BURST with organic veggies… (so you can enjoy eating fresh food from your own garden!). You‘ll learn how to design, assemble and plant your abundant organic garden using clever strategies to save you hours of work and create a low-maintenance veggie patch.
After The Abundant Veggie Patch System, You Can Expect to:
Enjoy fresh organic salad greens & herbs in your meals, picked fresh just moments before.
Have an action plan to know what to plant, and when.
Have the tools to save money on your seedlings, fertiliser and of course on fresh organic food.
Increase the abundance of your existing garden.
Confidently design, plan and implement your new veggie patch.
Deal with pests and diseases, organically!
Be comfortable knowing how to maintain your plants and keep it all growing.
Grow Organic Food in Pots ($197 value)
Grow Organic Food in Pots is a self-paced, online gardening course that shows you step-by-step, how to make an organic potted garden on your balcony or patio. You’ll learn how to set up a worm farm, how to make awesome organic potting mix, what to grow in pots and easy ways to set up automatic irrigation.
Imagine what it feels like to…
Wake up in the morning & pick peppermint leaves for your fresh herbal tea.
Know the kale & spinach in your green juice are full of nutrients & minerals because you picked them minutes before, instead of days or weeks ago when they were packed, transported & sat wilting on a grocery store shelf.
Walk onto your balcony (or lean over your windowsill) to harvest sweet basil for your lunch.
With Grow Organic Food in Pots, you can do all this and more!
Your Creative Mentor
My desire is to inspire & equip you to nurture your creativity, be gentle with your fears, follow your heart and be true to yourself. Why? So you can experience the satisfaction that comes from trusting yourself and expressing your voice.
The official Bio part
Nicola Newman is an award-winning artist and has held over 14 solo exhibitions around Australia. She’s produced and directed three documentaries on contemporary Australian artists and been commissioned by The Star, The Great Barrier Reef Research Foundation, Mirvac, Toyota Finance and private collectors.
She has been featured in Country Style, The Sunday Mail, and ABC Organic Gardener among others. Through her workshops, speaking and mentoring, Nicola has helped budding and professional artists explore their creativity, master new painting techniques and boldly express their visions in the world.
As a professional artist, I bring a wide range of experience to the table.
My experience includes:
14+ solo exhibitions
Numerous group exhibitions
Representation with galleries around Australia
Exhibiting internationally
Bachelor of Fine Art from Griffith University
Qualified Trainer & Assessor
Award-winning artist
Teaching painting & creativity to adults and children from 4 to 75 years
Interviewing and filming 24+ Contemporary Australian artists
Producing 3 Documentary films on Contemporary Australian Art
Sustaining my career as a professional artist for well over a decade
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living
Enrollment Options
Join Us Now!
Secure your place and start today!
Monthly payment plans are available.
Prices plus GST for Australian residents.
Please note these prices are in Australian dollars.
To convert your currency, please click here.
Flourish Monthly
Payment Plan
12 x monthly payments
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $120 USD p/month)
$170 p/m
Flourish One-Time Payment
One-off payment
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $1300 USD)
Flourish + Private Coaching
Includes everything in the Standard Option
PLUS: 5 x 90 minute private coaching/mentoring sessions & unlimited email support.
Payment plans available (email for details)
Australian Dollars
Only 5 Places Available

Why I Created Flourish: The Art of Creative Living
I LOVE expressing my creativity. But there was a time, after my parent’s divorce in my teens, when it felt like all my creativity dried up. Covered by the grief of having my family fall apart, I couldn’t seem to access the part of myself that had previously brought me so much joy. I felt so alone and a true sense of despair – almost like I’d lost a limb. An integral part of myself had fallen away.
I decided to enrol in a Diploma of Visual Arts, which later led to a Bachelor of Fine Art, where I gradually developed the mindsets and practices to nurture my creativity back to a place where it flowed freely once again.
So when friends and folks started asking if I offer painting classes – wanting to unlock their creative side but unsure of where to start – I knew in my heart I wanted to support them.
I truly believe when you are in touch with your ability to create, you are able to not only experience greater satisfaction in your own life but also contribute more fully to your community, work and relationships because you have cultivated an authentic, connected relationship with yourself and your voice.
If I can help you tap into your creativity and find processes to express yourself in ways that are uniquely your style, while also giving you all the practical information I’ve learned along the way, I will be so honoured.
It’s my dream to get to the end of my life and look back with joy at the folks I helped reconnect with their innate creativity, cultivate their belief in themselves and own their voice.
I’d be delighted if you’d join us!

Is Flourish! Right for You?
You may be wondering whether this is the right program for you, at this stage of your creative journey. Here is how you’ll know.
Flourish! is right for you if:
Your heart is calling you to create
You are ready for support and open to learning new things
You want to feel part of a community of like-minded creative hearts
You want to build a loving, kind relationship with yourself.
You crave more playfulness, creativity and flow in your business or life
You’re curious, open and looking for creative inspiration and guidance
You’d love to learn how to paint and express your creativity
You’re a total beginner, or perhaps you have a creative practice but would love to be inspired by new techniques
You’d love to spend time being creative with your kids
You want more ‘flow’ and freedom in your life
Learning from a professional artist about how to tap into your unlimited creativity excites you
You enjoy my blog, courses, artwork, or interviews and would love a personal way to work together to develop your own creativity
Exploring creativity as a form of self-care, nourishment for your soul, way to unwind & bravely express your voice sounds like music to your ears
Flourish! is not right for you right now if:
You already feel you know everything you need to know about creativity and expressing yourself
You are not willing to take responsibility for your learning and dedicating time to your creative development
You’re financially strapped and investing in this program would be a burden for you.
You’re looking for someone to do the work for you. This is not a done-for-you program.
What you really want is one-on-one support and mentoring (this is a group program where you will receive support in a group forum)

Ready for a Recap?
WHO: Creative Hearts – That’s You. Me. Everyone!
WHEN: Our year-long adventure officially begins when you join! Start today!
WHERE: Online. You can participate anywhere in the world (with internet access, that is!)
HOW MUCH: $180 per month for 12 months or one-time time payment of $2000 for the program only. Please enjoy this low, generous price point! (Plus GST for Australian residents).
WHY: Because your heart is calling you to create. In amidst the busyness of the world (politics, family, work, health) you long to find your centre, tune within, and express yourself in a safe, nurturing and supportive environment. You’re ready to slow down, simplify, listen to yourself and nurture your creative confidence. Plus, the promise of gentle expert guidance, inspiring teachers, and a heart-centered community sounds too wonderful to allow to pass you by.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I want you to be completely happy with where you choose to put your money. Which is why I offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
You have 30 days from the day you join and if you find that this is not what you signed up for, I’ll gladly refund your money (less a $50 administration fee). In order to receive a refund, you will need to submit proof of completing the module (photos of your creative process may be requested) and your worksheets within this period. This is to ensure folks don’t sign up and request a refund purely for a change of mind. I’m committed to making this experience a safe container for all members, and that’s why I expect a level of commitment to the process from everyone who enrols. However, I truly want you to be delighted with your investment, which is why I offer this 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Once this period has passed, there will be no refunds issued.
Why is Nurturing Your Creativity So Important?
I believe our soul needs nourishment if we want to truly Flourish. And nourishing our soul happens when we allow a delicious mixture of intuition, exploration, curiosity and playfulness into our daily life. In a word: Creativity.
What I’ve learnt as a professional artist over the past decade and a half, is when you let go of everything having to be ‘perfect’ before you begin, miracles occur. That simple principle has supported me in creating art exhibitions, a flourishing garden, abundant business, creative documentaries and more. It’s amazing how strengthening your intuition and taking action in the studio flows into trusting yourself and taking action in other areas of your life.
After all, I’ve found being an artist is largely about forgetting what everyone else thinks and tuning into your own heart. And playing. Oh, you must play! Play with your materials. Play with the things that move you. Play with what you love.
At the crux of it, I believe people who are in touch with their ability to create, are the ones who enjoy greater satisfaction in all areas of their life and have the power to create change in their world.
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living
Enrollment Options
Join Us Now!
Secure your place and start today!
Monthly payment plans are available.
Prices plus GST for Australian residents.
Please note these prices are in Australian dollars.
To convert your currency, please click here.
Flourish Monthly
Payment Plan
12 x monthly payments
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $120 USD p/month)
$170 p/m
Flourish One-Time Payment
One-off payment
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $1300 USD)
Flourish + Private Coaching
Includes everything in the Standard Option
PLUS: 5 x 90 minute private coaching/mentoring sessions & unlimited email support.
Payment plans available (email for details)
Australian Dollars
Only 5 Places Available
Hear from more Flourish graduates…
(I’m so incredibly proud of & inspired by all of them!)

Meet Georgie
Georgie found in the first weeks of enrolling in Flourish, she began painting and expressing her creativity in new ways. She has cultivated more bravery in other areas of her life too (family and work) and is listening to her inner voice and following her heart more. Plus, she learnt how to paint paintings she actually likes!
Georgie McNee shares her thoughts about Flourish:
Meet Fiona
Fiona books a yearly painting retreat with Nicola, to fill her well of creative inspiration and dive deep into the creative process. This video was filmed on Lady Elliot Island, where they spent four days snorkelling, painting and creating. She said painting with Nicola is always wonderful, and this year even included a shark sighting!
Fiona Jefferies shares her experience painting with Nicola on a private painting retreat.
Meet Shirley
Shirley joined Flourish in 2015 — the first live round! — and said she loves the supportive, intimate community. She wanted to learn from a professional artist, who fostered a fun, playful environment. Shirley loves to use art to express her emotions and wanted to increase her skill level in order to express herself more completely.
Shirley Sukhanil Chamberland shares her experience of Flourish in her own words.
Flourish was so very different to the many other online programs that I’ve participated in. It was FUN. It gave me permission to PLAY. It slowed down my brain and sped up my heart.
Over the past year, I’ve started to feel a real urge to embrace and foster my creativity. I’d done so in writing, but I wanted to expand this – to connect to myself and my heart in new ways. I was looking for a painting course that would help with this, and when I saw Nicola was creating one, I just know that it would be exactly what I was looking for.
This course gave me permission to take time out for me and to connect to my creative expression. Before the course, my brain told me that I wasn’t visually creative – for example, I could write, but I couldn’t paint or draw. However, I had this yearning or tug in my heart telling me this wasn’t true and that Nicola’s course would help me fully realise and own this.
I now KNOW that I am creative.
I now know that if I continue to ‘train’ my creative muscle that my skills, confidence, and creative breadth will continue to grow. I see the world differently now – with a new appreciation and presence. I’m more playful, more joyful, more adventurous. I’m making more time for me – to paint, to create, to connect, to explore, to be.
I went from not having picked up a paint brush since school, to suddenly loving the paint brush so much. Plus I really noticed taking time out to paint and be creative opened up parts in my brain that inspired new ideas and possibilities for my business and work – and other aspect of my future.
I also noticed a big change in my family life. My new love for painting and creativity was contagious. Family members started to join in. We’d laugh together, make a mess together, and play together. Oh so much fun!
I loved the course so much, and Nicola & Andrew’s beautiful natures and essences so flowed through to the content and experience. All I can say is thank you.
I absolutely recommend Flourish to others. In fact, I will sing its praises from the rooftops!
It’s an incredible course, so different to anything I have experienced, and will teach people to feel confident and open in their creative expression, and connect to themselves and others in the process.
Naomi Arnold
Before my private painting retreat with Nicola and the Flourish online program I was feeling dead creatively. Thank you for bringing me back to life, I feel like a giddy kid again, delighted by colour, texture and so many possibilities.
My business had experienced massive growth and I could no longer afford the time to noodle about coming up with design solutions. In fact, I was deep in a mourning phase and so the offer of Flourish and the one-on-one retreat came at the perfect moment.
Before the program I was worried I would produce artwork I deemed “crap”. But now, rather than just consuming art and standing in front of my favourite artists, sighing, wishing I could do art, I now have the confidence to produce art of my own. The non-judgemental type of art, with no planned outcome and just doing something for me, by me.
I can’t overstate the benefits this program has provided me.
I haven’t stabbed anyone with a pencil (energetically) since doing the program. I’m more sanguine too as I feel I have a creative, safe outlet for my feelings. Since painting more I’m feeling… wondrous about the world around me and what I’m capable of!
I reckon your creative spirit has a direct link to your soul and this is a perfect course to tap into your rich inner life. So much good stuff lives in this course and you won’t be the same person you were when you started the program. In a good way.
Andrew and Nicola, when can I move in? Kidding!
I’m so looking forward to my next painting retreat with you guys.
Fiona Jefferies
Founder, Diva Works,
I feel more powerful and emboldened to try new techniques and combine techniques. I learned a lot about brush strokes and color theory that helped me advance my work. The course re-inspired me to spend more time looking at art as well as creating. I am more inspired and engaged.
I found Flourish, and it has reignited my passion, my ability to experiment, my skills and my confidence. I can’t stop painting! And I am enjoying my photography more than ever.
I think you offer an amazing value and you are a great teacher who makes it fun and inspiring!
Fran Simon
There’s always been a tug inside me to paint. I knew nothing on how to and didn’t feel artistic or even if I could produce anything.
I wasn’t really looking to do an online course, although I’d decided to explore various mediums to find something I enjoyed. Not having delved into this area before, I was going nowhere. Going into the art supply store and not knowing what to buy…it all looked good and exciting but was confusing at the same time!
I didn’t hesitate to join the program, no questioning, just an inner YES. I loved the Training and Studio Date videos for each module, the PDF Playsheets, Community, content of the program itself and the membership site design was beautiful.
I’m enjoying being in my own art world. It’s part of my life that I will continue to “play” in because there’s more than painting happening. I’m being gentle with myself and loving every moment in my little studio. It is in the doing that I move into a space where time doesn’t matter and I am just here enjoying.
I love the energy, passion and love in what Nicola and Andrew have delivered with Flourish. The presentations are excellent; easy to watch and learn from.
Jan Nunn
Perth, Australia
Even though I am still working through the program, I have already learnt so much from Flourish! I have learnt so many new skills & techniques; am able to be aware of but not so dictated by negative thought patterns that can hinder creativity and self-expression (with mindful presence & gentle, supportive affirmations); have been inspired to create on a regular basis and felt supported in how to achieve this.
I felt excited once I had enrolled and that I was drawn to Flourish for a reason. I loved that I would be learning new skills, but from a heart centred, supported space.
I had always loved art as a child and studied Fine Arts and Art Therapy. However, painting is something I have yearned to spend more time exploring. I have also not had a lot of time for myself in the last couple of years in general, after the birth of my little boy. So having the space to reconnect with my creative side has been a gift and I have loved the experience!
I’ve loved feeling inspired and excited to create. Experience the moments of flow and inspiration, when time disappears and becoming absorbed in the creative process. Working through those moments of self-doubt. Feeling proud of what I have learnt and created. Self-care.
Having wonderful support from yourself, Nicola, throughout, via the community group, your emails, coaching & group calls & Instagram comments. Also, the support from the Flourish community group has been lovely too.
So much wonderful content and is great to have both the videos and written form available, to be able to go at your own pace and to have ongoing access to refer to. A beautifully supported way of reconnecting to your creative self in a heart centred, encouraging, inspiring way.
Thank you so much, Nicola, for all your ongoing support, gentle encouragement, and inspiration throughout Flourish! I absolutely loved the course! I am excited to continue working through the course and feel like it is definitely something I will be able to revisit again and again.
Amy Cunliffe
“Before I joined Flourish, I’d always felt like something was missing. There were days where I felt like a pressure cooker. Now, I know what I have to do when I feel like that…..paint!”
When I signed up I was nervous about my creative skills, and thought it could be too advanced and I’d be left behind. But I really needed to find my creativity. I was actually working with a coach and she found I needed an outlet… that same day I found Nicola and her course!
I was looking for ways to overcome creative blocks, feel more expressive and creative, use creativity as a form of self-care, discover new creative techniques to express myself and make a studio to support my creative life.
I was also looking for inspiration to set up routines to be more creative in my life and practical tools to listen to my heart. Resistance was a huge part for me when it came to creativity, I just hadn’t recognised it.
What I loved about Flourish was that the training videos had substance and there’s lots of information. The program delivered what it was meant to deliver and Nicola was very natural, which I totally appreciated.
Now, I know I NEED to be creative……it feels so right. When I’m unable to do so, I feel frustrated and irritated…its quite obvious really! Even my boys say… “Mum have you painted today?”
Painting is not as scary as one thinks it is…it’s liberating!
Karen Royce
Geraldton, Western Australia
Nicola is a born teacher. She makes it so easy to understand. It’s all simple, in fact, she takes Flourish one step further than any other eCourse I’ve done.
Before Flourish, I didn’t think I was creative anymore. I thought my painting sucked & I had no confidence. I didn’t know HOW to do it & that stopped me.
I didn’t have the confidence to pick up a paintbrush or pencil & experiment, & even when I did try, the inner critic crushed my spirit.
What has changed is my mindset. My skills appeared when I freed myself from the inner critic & took a playful, compassionate & experimental approach. My creative practice is now Flourishing!
I’m taking time out for me, daily now.
I’m writing every day, painting weekly & taking better care of myself generally. There’s a lot more joy & creativity in the way I’m living my life. I’m making downtime & creative play time a priority & it’s improved my self-care & resilience.
I’m letting go of perfectionism & I’ve learnt it’s okay to do things for the fun of it!
Flourish is really practical. There’s a lot of cool, fun, playful techniques which are complemented by practical & intuitive support for the inner world. The inclusion of supportive practices such as photography and writing allows you to really enhance & broaden your creative expression & your definition of what creativity actually is.
The community was amazing! I loved the group of like-minded people & it was so great to be able to share our struggles & wins, & see all the different ways in which people channel love onto a canvas. I highly recommend Flourish! It’s gifted me with the skills, technical know-how & mindset to actually paint & incorporate it as a regular self-care & creativity practice in my life.
The program’s allowed me to feel pure joy, to get lost in the moment and to make beautiful things that I’m proud to share and hang on my wall. It’s changed the way I approach my life – with more play and openness. I’m experiencing more flow, rhythm & energy in all areas of my life. I can’t recommend it highly enough!
Emma Shields
Yoga Teacher & Health Coach
I’ve learned a lot! I am painting more and looking at colours differently. For example, I was cutting cherries last week and couldn’t believe the depth of colour, previously I wouldn’t have thought about it. I’m also looking at landscapes and old (wabi-sabi) scenes differently, thinking about the colours or how I’d paint them.
I’m definitely listening to my inner voice more. I’m feeling braver to experiment with things in my life, for example, things in my family and options for work.
I’ve always loved creativity (textiles, fabrics, home design, photography), but in the past 10 years work and family demands have meant I’ve done little of these. I’ve always wanted to paint, or at least give it a try.
Flourish has meant I can experiment with painting and learn from an expert so my initial try doesn’t look awful.
I’ve also learned lots of new skills in writing, meditation, photography and other creative outlets. My life now looks braver and more creative. Once a week I want to paint instead of watching TV!
Flourish was incredible value for money. Especially the extra hour of coaching from Nicola.
Georgie McNee
Chartered Accountant
I really loved art sessions in school and was missing it, so I wanted to have a program to follow to unleash my inner creativity.
I’ve followed Nicola now for several years & have found her such an inspiration. So when she released this course I truly wanted to be a part of it.
I learned I shouldn’t be harsh with myself and when I painted, I felt peaceful and grounded. When I paint, I really calm down and I can forget everything around me.
Since the Wabi Sabi session, I walk through my days with open eyes. I enjoy the little things and am happy to see all the “mistakes”.
I’m so grateful for this course.
I recommend Flourish, because Nicola shows you step by step how to do everything, why you’re doing something, and her smile is always heartwarming!
Jocelyne Clemencon
Life Coach & Graphic Designer,
Energised and infused with her values of gentleness, creativity, soul, and connection to nature, this is more than painting. After completing this program you will feel more connected to yourself, confident, playful and authentic.
In her usual high-quality style, Nicola has delivered practical ways to get in touch with sides of yourself that many consider intangible and re-ignite your passion for life.
Hayley Carr
High Performance Coach,
Have Questions? We Have Answers.
We have given every aspect of Flourish loads of love and careful consideration.
Want to know more about anything and everything?
Click here to read the full FAQ.
Flourish: The Art of Creative Living
Enrollment Options
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Monthly payment plans are available.
Prices plus GST for Australian residents.
Please note these prices are in Australian dollars.
To convert your currency, please click here.
Flourish Monthly
Payment Plan
12 x monthly payments
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $120 USD p/month)
$170 p/m
Flourish One-Time Payment
One-off payment
Includes all modules and bonuses
Live training and group Zoom calls
12 Months free in the Creative Hearts Community
Lifetime access
Australian Dollars
(Approx $1300 USD)
Flourish + Private Coaching
Includes everything in the Standard Option
PLUS: 5 x 90 minute private coaching/mentoring sessions & unlimited email support.
Payment plans available (email for details)
Australian Dollars
Only 5 Places Available