New Free Creative Living Video Series

I have something new and exciting in store for you! A new, FREE Creative Living Video Training Series.


I am aiming to have it ready for you in the coming days. My intention with this series is it will be a support to you as it offers tools and practices to nurture your creativity, dissolve creative blocks and be kind to yourself.

Here’s what you can expect from the free series…

Video #1: Want to Be More Creative? Here’s How!

In the first video, you’ll discover what I particularly love about Creative Living and the three phases in my approach. You’ll see behind the scenes of Flourish: The Art of Creative Living and you’ll also hear how you can embrace creative living, too.

Video #2: My Top Tips for Dissolving Creative Blocks

In Video 2 (which will be released next week), I’m delighted to share my Top Tips for Dissolving Creative Blocks and being kind to yourself amidst the creative process. From taking the first step and picking up a paintbrush, to developing your personal painting style, these practical tips will support you in your creative life.

Video #3: How to Find Time to Be Creative

Too busy to be creative? Think again. This video will help you find time to do what is important to you 🙂

In Video 3 (arriving in your inbox next week), you’ll hear my tried and tested strategies for carving out time to nurture your creativity. I’m so excited to share these with you!

Know someone who might love these free videos too?

I’d be SO delighted if you’d email them this link to get the entire free video series:


Or, please click on the share via FacebookTwitter or Pinterest.

Creative living is more fun with friends!

I’m so thrilled you’re here and it’s my pleasure to bring this new video series to you. My hope is they inspire you to follow your heart, be true for yourself and do what lights you up from the inside, in your own version of Creative Living.

What do you need to do now?

Just wait 🙂 The first Creative Living Video will land in your inbox in the coming days.

I can’t wait to share these new videos with you.

Thank you again for being here.

With love,

Nicola xx

PS. And if you already know you want to join Flourish, hold tight… Flourish: The Art of Creative Living opens on Thursday, 16th January. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the new free Video Series!


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