Happy 2018 & Reflecting on Joys from the Past Year
On this, the eve of 2018, I’m writing to you onboard Day Dream, moored safely in the calm waters of America Bay, near Pittwater. Yesterday I moved our van to Brooklyn and met Andrew on the boat, and as often happens in that part of the river, when the tide turned it created a strong current and, combined with the increasing wind, it had the boat bouncing like a bronco. So at 10pm, we moved across the river to this protected anchorage to get some shut-eye.
I woke up clear headed after a few days of solid rest and was thinking this morning about what I would like to focus on in the new year.
Dreaming during this liminal space is not only a blessing, it’s also fun to imagine what a fresh new year could bring.
A few weeks ago, not particularly in response to the new year, but instead as an exercise in Fiona Ferris’ lovely ecourse “Create Your Dream Life as a Successful Author”, I looked back over 2017 and wrote a list of things I was proud of myself for in my journal. They ranged from seemingly frivolous areas such as getting my wardrobe worked out, to the heart-restoring experience of reconciling with my Dad after 17 years and the professional achievement of completing my largest commission to date.
Leaders often say it is important to reflect on what has past before launching into what is ahead and writing this bullet point list of things I was proud of myself for was wonderful for my confidence. Not only writing it down but re-reading it again later. It reminds me I can follow through on projects that are dear to my heart and take action when my goals are backed by a strong personal desire. It also reminded me how I value intangible things too, not accomplishments per say, but rather qualities of heart and ways of relating with others.
If you haven’t reflected on the past year as yet, you may like to find a quiet moment to yourself, when you can write a list of things you’re proud of yourself for.
You don’t have to show anyone, it can be for your eyes only. Let your mind wander over all areas of your life (health, finances, relationships, creativity, work, family… even wardrobe!) and jot down notes of what you’re proud of yourself for, both big and seemingly small.
If I’d written this list last year, when it had been a difficult year, it would probably have been a shorter list. One that captured the value of my desires, even if they were not yet achievements, such as having an emerging plan to get out of the living and work situation we were in.
Taking stock of where we have been and what we are proud of is a wonderful gift to ourselves. Even if you do it in the first couple of weeks of the new year, it will likely be a potent soothing balm for your soul. And a great way to set you up for beginning 2018 with an awareness of your personal values and heart’s desires leading the way.
Pull out your journal, or begin a new Word document, and write “I’m proud of myself for…” at the top of the page, then jot down any and everything that pops into your mind. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s just for you.
Right now, we’re pleased to be preparing to head north. On Tuesday we plant to head for Newcastle, where I’m looking forward to catching up with my friend Denise Duffield-Thomas. She’s been kind enough to share her land-based postal service privileges and I’m having a small camp style washing machine delivered to her house, which means no more laundromats for me, yay! (Which happens to be exactly where I’m going to spend my afternoon after I send this to you).
We’re looking forward to the new adventures in store as we continue our sailing journey up the east coast of Australia and I can’t wait to share them with you along the way.
Wishing you a safe, peaceful and creative New Year. If you would like to share your reflections from 2017, please feel free to do so in the comments below. I’d love to share them with you. Here’s to a wonderful new year. See you in 2018!
With love,
Ps. Would you love to grow your own delightful potted herb garden in 2018?
My fun, easy to follow and practical ebook ‘Grow Organic Herbs & Greens in Pots‘ will help you design your potted garden, create your own organic potting mix and plant the correct plants for your region. You’ll be eating your own herbs and greens in next to no time.