Nurturing Your Well-Being: Self-Care Amidst the Holiday Rush

The holiday season is upon us, and amidst the festive whirlwind, it's all too easy to feel swept away by endless to-do lists and commitments. But what if, instead of succumbing to the rush, we proactively carved out moments of peace and self-care?

Today, I thought I'd share a round-up of some practical strategies to infuse our days with relaxation, mindfulness, and intentional living. I know it can feel overwhelming trying to remember what tools we have in our toolkit, to help us take care of ourselves. 

So here's a handy list of bite-sized reminders, to hopefully help ensure our well-being remains a top priority over the coming weeks.

If you'd like the support of a wonderful community and myself to carve out time for these self-care strategies, you are so welcome to join my Creative Hearts Community. It's a space that's perfect not only for artists, painters, and writers, but for everyone who wants to prioritise self-care, self-discovery and joy. 

Now, onto our bite-sized reminders! 

Practical Self-Care Strategies for the Holiday Season

  • Mindful Moments: See if you can integrate mindfulness into your day. Set aside a few minutes to focus solely on your breath. Or simply pay attention to one of your five senses. What can you see, feel, touch or smell? I love having mindful moments throughout my day and find them essential (and surprisingly effective!)

  • Creative Expression: Engage in creative activities, even for just a few minutes, ideally each day, but even once or twice a week can support us and make a big difference! Whether it's journalling, painting, drawing, or singing your favourite tunes, creative expression is a powerful outlet. It calms the nervous system and reconnects you with your inner joy.

  • Nature Breaks: Go outside and immerse yourself in nature, even if just for a short walk. The fresh air and natural surroundings have a grounding effect, offering solace and rejuvenation. If you have a garden, even a couple of minutes mindfully engaging with your plants can boost calm. I have a garden seat where I love to sit under the mango tree and watch the bird life.

  • Tech-Free Time: Designate specific times in your day to disconnect from technology. Use this time for a warm bath, reading a book, or savouring a cup of tea. Unplugging allows you to unwind and be present without digital distractions. I've noticed with the new podcast release, my usual cut off point of using technology has gotten later. I'm going to intentionally give myself more time to wind down at night, and reinstate my usual tech-free time, as I notice a huge difference in my sleep and energy the next day. 

  • Gratitude Practice: Amidst the holiday bustle, take a moment to reflect on the things you're grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal can shift your focus from stressors to blessings, fostering a supportive mindset. I've just started a new soft pink-covered journal and decided to dedicate a page a day to gratitude (it's only a small notebook). I only write a sentence or two, but it's a lovely bookend to my day.

  • Gentle Movement: Incorporate gentle exercises or stretches into your routine. Even a short yoga session or a gentle walk can invigorate your body and mind, enhancing your overall well-being. I've recently become the proud owner of an under-desk treadmill! I love walking now on Zoom calls and still try to take a stroll around the neighbourhood at dusk (my favourite time to walk).

  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say no graciously. Setting boundaries is an act of self-care. It's okay to decline invitations or delegate tasks. Prioritise your energy for activities that truly align with your values and bring you joy. This is especially essential at this time of year 🤗

  • Connect with Loved Ones: Prioritise quality time with loved ones. Engage in heartfelt conversations, share laughter, and create cherished memories. Social connections with people who support us and lift us up nourish the soul and provide us with important emotional support.

I like to remind myself that self-care isn't an afterthought, it really is a necessity, especially during the bustling holiday season. By incorporating even a handful of these practical strategies into our daily routine, we're gifting ourselves precious moments of peace and rejuvenation.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with self-compassion, mindful moments, and joy.

Be kind to yourself and nurture your creativity.

With my warmest wishes,



About Nicola Newman

I'm a Creative Business Coach, Award-Winning Artist & Mentor for Creative Hearts who want to flourish, flow & prosper.

My passion is inspiring and supporting Creative Hearts to trust their inner wisdom and carve out a life that’s personally meaningful and fulfilling to them.

I share practical, evidence-based tools for Creative Hearts seeking to improve their lives or businesses. My work draws from acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based techniques, body-based practices, and neuroscience -- and my own creative living adventures -- among other approaches.

My mission is to support Creative Hearts to:

Dissolve creative blocks, develop a loving relationship with themselves, nurture their creativity and reframe the beliefs and patterns that keep them from following their heart and making the creative contribution they would love to make in the world.

My approach is to embrace gentleness, playfulness and self-care to navigate self-doubt and instead cultivate deep self-trust so you can truly enjoy the creative process, bring together your body of work, make money doing what you love and leave a creative legacy you’re proud of.

Let’s pour a cuppa and get to know one another, shall we? :) Read more about my story here.

Nicola Newman

Artist, writer, sailor & creativity mentor - Live a Creative Life!

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